SPAIN RETREAT 2025: Interpreter Professional Development

San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid)
MAY 18 – 24, 2025

“An innovative interpreter training program” – CUICIID 2018

(Congreso Universitario Internacional – Universidad Complutense, MADRID)

Continuing Education Credits:

Florida: CEAA #23-0660 (20 Non-Ethics)
California: CIMCE # provided upon completion (20 credits)
Texas: LCI # provided upon completion (20 hours)
Nevada: # NVCE12122023 (20 General)
Oregon:  20 CEUs (20 Language Specific Credits)
Wisconsin: CIP Course Locator # 2435 (16 credits)
Pennsylvania: 12 CEUs
Washington State: 20 CEUs (Performance credits)
New Mexico: 20 CEUs
Delaware: Approved
Ohio: 20 General CIEs
Maryland: Program meets requirements
**InterpreterTranslation will request CEU approval upon registration

We are proud to announce that the prestigious, Real Centro Universitario “Maria Cristina,” an affiliate of the renown Universidad San Pablo CEU, has signed a Collaboration Agreement with Interpreter Translation and granted Academic Approval for our Spain Retreat 2025: Interpreter Training Program!

In 2024, our courses will be held at RCU “Maria Cristina.”  Upon completion, this Spanish university will issue its official Certificado de Estudios” to each participant.

Prof. Karen Borgenheimer and Dr. Susana San Cristobal, professor at the RCU “Maria Cristina” Law School, present:

Spain Retreat 2025:

Interpreter Professional Development  

This 6-day adventure to Madrid and the surrounding area is tailored for the professional Spanish interpreter

Add new dimensions to your Translation and Interpreting skills through a comparative study of criminal procedure in Civil Law vs Common Law.

It’s important for US interpreters to understand the legal system in the countries of the Limited English Proficiency (LEP) speakers for whom they are interpreting. Learning the phases of the Civil Law System is an aspect of Interpreter Training that is often overlooked. Civil Law, practiced in every Spanish-speaking country, is very distinct from the US Common Law System, yet there are some similarities. This course is designed to give you a solid background in the procedures and proper legal terminology inherent in the Civil Law System and then put this knowledge into practice through innovative exercises.

“This training exceeded my expectations. Being pushed to the limit and coming out stronger is priceless. Thank you Karen.” – Jesus

RESERVE SPACE NOW ($350.00 Down)

San Lorenzo de El Escorial

Nestled in the Guadarrama Mountains just 45 kilometers (28 miles) northwest of Madrid is the small town of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, home of the Monastery of San Lorenzo, an amazing feat of 16th Century architecture built by King Phillip II. This complex is considered by many to be the 8th wonder of the world.

King Phillip II envisioned El Escorial as an educational center, and today San Lorenzo de El Escorial is home to the private university, the Real Centro Universitario “María Cristina,” professional conference centers and meeting rooms at the Hotel Florida and EuroForum along with numerous public and private schools.

In keeping with this long tradition of educational excellence, it is fitting that Interpreter Translation hold its 6th Annual Interpreter Training Program in San Lorenzo de El Escorial.