Enhance your Consecutive Interpreting skills and join us on this enriching journey.

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  • Florida: CEAA # 17-0189 (3.6 CIES)
  • California: CIMCE # provided upon completion (3.0 credits/hours)
  • North Carolina: Pre-approved Provider (3.0 credits)
  • Pennsylvania: (3.5 CEUS)

This 3-hour, language-neutral skills-building workshop will help the professional interpreter and trainee improve his/her Consecutive Interpreting skills through hands-on, guided consecutive interpreting practice with:

  • Memory – Visualization
  • Notetaking
  • Proper Register (formal and informal)
  • Intonation and Expression

Learning to combine these elements is challenging, but the end result is ACCURACY. Participants will polish these skills through intense practice with CI materials created from authentic legal proceedings in both the Civil and Criminal arenas.

Achieve Accuracy Through Intense Practice

Teaching Methodss

During the clinic, the instructor will employ the communicative teaching method, acting as a coach by challenging and guiding participants through a series of original practice materials aimed to reinforce CORRECT consecutive interpreting technique through a variety of lively exercises.


Approximately 40% lecture and 60% guided exercises. Exercises: participants will “perform” a series of Consecutive Interpreting scripts designed to polish skills in both Criminal and Civil settings.

Polish your Consecutive Interpreting through a series of exercises created
from authentic legal proceedings in both the Civil and Criminal arenas.

For more information, contact us at info@interpretertranslation.com