DATE: MAY 22, 2019 – TIME: 12:00 – 5:00

To kick-off the 2019 Florida Interpreter Conference, East and West Coast Interpreter Trainers Karen Borgenheimer (Florida) and Daniel Tamayo (California) have joined forces for this awesome 5-hour interpreter training pre-conference workshop! This event promises to be one of the most interactive, intense, fast-paced trainings—with good doses of humor—that you have ever attended!


Instructor: Karen Borgenheimer

This 2.5-hour, language-­neutral mini-clinic is designed to help interpreters improve voice quality through hands-on guided practices on: Intonation and Expressiveness, Articulation, Enunciation, Proper Breathing Techniques and Voice Projection.  Participants will learn to use their voices EFFECTIVELY for improved voice QUALITY.

  • Singers LEARN to hit that high note
  • Athletes IMPROVE their abilities
  • Interpreters LEARN voice quality

The interpreter’s tool of the trade or “musical instrument” is his/her voice, and as such, the interpreter must learn how to achieve a voice that is: DISTINCT, INTELLIGIBLE, CLEAR, EASILY UNDERSTOOD and HEARD.

Participants “perform” an array of materials including:

  • Opening and Closing Statements (sight translation practice)
  • Deposition transcript (consecutive practice)
  • Descriptive essays with proper expression, breathing and voice control.


Instructor: Daniel Tamayo

In this practical and highly interactive 2.5-hour workshop, the presenter will share translation concepts and strategies that will help interpreters improve the quality and ease of their renditions. The aim is to help participants overcome several of the most common challenges faced when interpreting in sight, consecutive and simultaneous translation modes in the legal setting.

Topics include:

  • Important syntactical and lexical challenges and solutions
  • Translating the “untranslatable”
  • Effective, on-the-spot transfer of meaning between English and Spanish when dealing with words and concepts that pose challenges during transference into the target language.

**All materials used in these workshops have been specifically designed to target problematic situations frequently encountered in the interpretive process.

Continuing Education Credits: Pending

Price: $125.00

To Register Click Here


Karen Borgenheimer, MFA, is a classically-trained, certified interpreter and translator who is regarded as a skilled, insightful and versatile professional. She is equally comfortable in the courtroom and international conference where she has interpreted for major corporations, politicians, heads of state, diplomats, the Department of Defense and Homeland Security.

Karen’s Interpreter Training Workshops have been a huge success in Florida, California, and Spain where she has trained hundreds of certified interpreters and interpreters-in-training.

Karen obtained a Master of Fine Arts degree in Translation Studies from the University of Arkansas—Fayetteville. She also completed doctoral coursework in Spanish Language and Linguistics at the University of Wisconsin—Madison. For nearly a decade, Karen lived in San Lorenzo de El Escorial (MADRID), Spain where she taught at the Real Centro Universitario (RCU) “Maria Cristina.” During this time, she attended the prestigious Sampere Escuela de Traductores e Intérpretes in Madrid. Upon return to the US, she studied Court and Conference Interpreting at Florida International University (FIU).

Karen has been a university professor for 30 years and a professor in the Translation and Interpretation Program at Florida International University (FIU) in Miami, Florida for the past 18 years.

Prof. Borgenheimer’s understanding of the Spanish language, culture and history is unique. It is this uniqueness and experience that she brings into the classroom by blending concepts and techniques with real-life applications–and a good dose of humor.

Daniel Tamayo, MA, is a Translation and Interpreting practitioner and trainer, and he is the owner of the California-based company GlobalTradu Language Services. Daniel began his interpreting career in the med-legal and insurance fields in 1993. Since 2007 he expanded his practice and now he also specializes in conference interpreting, nationally and internationally, in the following areas: Economic development, public policy, education, immigration, public health and environment studies. He regularly interprets at United Nations summits and conferences on climate, human rights and indigenous peoples’ issues. He also specializes in the translation and editing of technical texts.

Daniel completed a master’s degree in Translation Studies at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS), where he also studied Conference and Court Interpreting. He also obtained a master’s degree in Hispanic Language and Civilization from the University of California Santa Barbara.

Daniel currently teaches Translation and Interpreting at the University of California at Riverside, and taught those same subjects at Cal State University, Fullerton, from 2006 through 2018. He taught Spanish at California State Polytechnic University for about 10 years.

He is a member of the Professional Development Committee of the Spanish Division of the American Translators Association (ATA), and a board member and a trainer for the California Healthcare Interpreting Association (CHIA).

Daniel regularly presents at various conferences and seminars for T&I organizations and universities in the US and abroad since 2009.